Movie Genres – 120+ Examples of Different Movie Genres

Movie Genres – 120+ Examples of Different Movie Genres

Movie genres or film genres group different movies based on setting, characters, plot, story, tone, styles, syntax, templates, paradigms, motifs, rules, and themes. Sub-genres is a smaller category that may combine different elements from multiple genres. If you want...
Meisner Technique: Everything You Need to Know

Meisner Technique: Everything You Need to Know

The Meisner Technique is a unique training form that teaches actors to respond to stimuli and trust their instincts. It’s a great way to tap into your creative potential and embrace more authentic acting, to elicit realistic emotional responses from actors as a...

Location Manager: Everything You Need To Know

A location manager serves as a liaison between the producer or director and the property owner by taking responsibility for all aspects of a filming location – from securing permits to managing on-site operations. Primary Role: Location Assessments For location...

Key Grip: Everything You Need To Know

The key grip is the person who runs the grip crew during the production of a film or television series. These men and women are chiefly responsible for positioning a production’s cameras and support equipment. They also oversee the people who position this...
Is Film School Worth It: Everything You Need to Know

Is Film School Worth It: Everything You Need to Know

In general, filmmaking is a creative process that’s similar to painting. Just like how anyone can draw using just pencil and paper without formal training or certification, in filmmaking, actors just need to act, and directors just need a camera. However,...