A first assistant director, 1st AD, or simply assistant director, manages the logistics of creating a film or a television series. These professionals oversee production heads and serve as a point of contact between the director and the rest of a production’s...
A film editor is responsible for bringing a film or television show to life. Editors, like directors and screenwriters, are responsible for shaping a film’s plot, sound, and overall effects. As a result, professional editors are in high demand in the film...
Freelancing can sound scary for people who imagine themselves having a cushion of safety that is provided by an office job. However, with the changing trend, it will be not wrong to say that the majority of people are searching how to become a freelance editor....
A film editor gives life to a film. Are you planning to become a film editor? Then you have come to the right place. Keep reading to know everything you need to know about becoming a film editor. Source What is the role of a film editor? Having a heart of an artist...
There are many factors one has to consider while making a YouTube video. However, that does not necessarily mean that it is an impossible task to do. Although there is no sure-fire way of one’s YouTube channel reaching that desired “Trending Page”,...