1. Fireflies-Jonaki Porua (2019) Assamese film ‘Fireflies’ (Jonaki Porua) has attracted interest in Indian and international arenas. The film follows Jahnu, a character played by Benjamin, who lives in a secluded village in rural Assam on the banks of the...
Movie genres or film genres group different movies based on setting, characters, plot, story, tone, styles, syntax, templates, paradigms, motifs, rules, and themes. Sub-genres is a smaller category that may combine different elements from multiple genres. If you want...
Congratulations to NFI’s very own graduating student, Christy Okugo (@christyjtv) whose new film, “Abandoned”, is premiering on Amazon prime! Chinonso Christiana Okugo, the creator ChristyJ Tv, is Nigerian born, lives in Nashville, is a Graduating student of Nashville...
About Why NFI School Overview Faculty Accreditation Hire a Grad NFI Store FAQS Programs Cinema Occupational Associate Degree Cinema Production Diploma Acting For The Camera Summer Film Camp NEW Hybrid Diploma Admissions Tuition And Fees Federal Financial Aid GI Bill®...
About Why NFI School Overview Faculty Accreditation Hire a Grad NFI Store FAQS Programs Cinema Occupational Associate Degree Cinema Production Diploma Acting For The Camera Summer Film Camp NEW Hybrid Diploma Admissions Tuition And Fees Federal Financial Aid GI Bill®...
About Why NFI School Overview Faculty Accreditation Hire a Grad NFI Store FAQS Programs Cinema Occupational Associate Degree Cinema Production Diploma Acting For The Camera Summer Film Camp NEW Hybrid Diploma Admissions Tuition And Fees Federal Financial Aid GI Bill®...