Black film directors have changed the landscape of Hollywood over the years, contributing blockbuster hits and critically acclaimed films. Most Influential African-American Directors Black film directors haven’t always been prominent in Hollywood, but several...
A script breakdown is used to figure out shooting requirements for every scene in a film shoot including budget, schedule, and prep work. The breakdown will happen at the scene level and will repeat until you have a full script breakdown that you can use to assess...
A Dutch angle shot is a camera shot with a tilt on the camera’s roll axis. The point of this tilted perspective is to make viewers feel uneasy. Using a Dutch angle shot signals that something is wrong, unsettled, or disorientating. Dutch angle shots are also...
A medium wide shot, MWS, or MLS is a type of camera shot that shows a location and the character or characters filmed there. Characters in a medium wide shot are filmed from their head to around their knees. Medium wide shots are wide enough to show a scene’s...
A medium shot, mid-shot, MS, or waist-shot is a camera shot that shows an actor from the top of their head to roughly their waist. This camera shot shows less than a wide shot but more than a close-up shot. Medium Shot Basics Medium shots give actors and their...
The Kuleshov effect is the idea that two shots in a sequence are more impactful than a single shot by itself. This effect is a cognitive event that allows viewers to derive meaning from the interaction of two shots in sequence. Kuleshov believed that the interaction...