Audio Engineering – Everything You Need To Know

Audio Engineering – Everything You Need To Know

Audio engineering, also known as music engineering, sound engineering, or recording engineering, works with recording, mixing, and sound reproduction. The role of an audio engineer is not similar to a sound producer, writer, or performer. This is because audio...
Composition Photography- Everything you need to know

Composition Photography- Everything you need to know

Photography is a creative art that you can master when you get an artistic vision. To establish your creativity and refine your artistic vision, you need to understand how to compose an image. Before that, you have to clearly understand what composition is and how it...
Stop Motion Animation – Everything you need to know

Stop Motion Animation – Everything you need to know

Stop motion is an animated filmmaking technique in which a physical object is moved in small increments and photographed at every step. When these images are stringed together and played rapidly, the things in them appear to carry on their own. Stop motion differs...
Poses for Girls – Everything you need to know

Poses for Girls – Everything you need to know

Poses for girls have become a style statement lately. Everyone meets online these days, whether friends or in possible relationships. As a result, your Instagram and Facebook pages reveal a great deal about you. Therefore, your profile should be well-organized and...
Iambic Pentameter- Everything you need to know

Iambic Pentameter- Everything you need to know

Iambic pentameter is a poetic device used in traditional English poetry and verse drama. It adds beauty, rhythm, and a unique beat while reading a poem. In a way, iambic pentameter has become a poetic tool of olden days, has it? Let’s check out this article....
Commercial Photography-Everything you need to know

Commercial Photography-Everything you need to know

Commercial photography is a form of advertising photography in which businesses create high-quality images of their products or services to promote, market, and sell. Since commercial photography is closely related to sales or running a company, it is one of the...
Contrast Photography – Everything you need to know

Contrast Photography – Everything you need to know

Contrast photography is an exciting technique that plays with tones or colors that compose an image. Today, photography is an interplay of colors. It deals with how effectively you photograph the colors of a scene based on your knowledge of the interaction between...
Country Singer – Everything You Need to Know

Country Singer – Everything You Need to Know

Country singers are involved in producing music that is both traditional and popular. For example, country musicians or singers engage in folk music related to the rural United States or Western American cowboys.  Country music took its roots in the Southern United...
Meet Cute – Everything You Need to Know

Meet Cute – Everything You Need to Know

Meet Cute is a way to introduce two characters and set up their burgeoning relationship quickly. A meet-cute is a typical scene in romantic films where the love interests first meet. The usual approach to these scenes is comedic and/or romantic, like awkward...

When was Photography Invented? – Everything you need to know

Photography is a beautiful culmination of art and technology. The term ‘photography’ originated from the Greek words meaning ‘drawings with light’. Photography was invented around the 1800s following the evolution of the earliest known concept of the camera called the...