Want a career in filmmaking?

Learn the craft in 9 months and start working in the field. If your passion is filmmaking, NFI will offer you the option of 100% film all-day, every day. No Math. No English. No Gen Ed.
For 9 months you are networking and working with a group of like-minded creatives. As you learn, you will build your crew, create your own Production Company and/or network with potential employer. Your Student Projects will become part of your demo reel (which will market you to employers, producers etc.) – Apply
Financial Assistance

Tracey Hague, NFI Alumna

“I was an English teacher for 20 years before I decided to make a change and start living my own dreams.  The film industry has always interested me in that it’s the best way I know to tell stories.  NFI is giving me all the tools I need to start telling my OWN stories!  Look out world, I’m on my WAY!”

Michael Cooney, NFI Alumnus

You might notice that the word “Believe” appears all around NFI. It’s an important part of the creative work culture at Nashville Film Institute. As Michael says in this quick clip, he set a New Year’s resolution — believed in it — and graduated from NFI prior to attending a 4-year university.

David Rose, NFI Alumnus

“I am a Veteran of the U. S. Army serving my country for four years.  After I left the military, I decided I wanted to take a leap and do something different.  That’s why I chose NFI to use my creativeness to tell my story through film.  NFI has definitely helped me along in my transition into civilian life, helping me to funnel my talent in a productive and hands on way!”

Kappel Cloninger, NFI Alumnus

NFI graduate and filmmaker Kappel Cloninger interviewed while one the set of one of his production company’s projects.



call the NFI for more information: 877-627-3456 or

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